Video Of Terminal Market Wholesalers Does Not Portray Their True Function

Someone going by the name Electronic_Titan made a video titled Produce Salesman and Terminal Buyer. It is passing around the industry and several people sent it to us. It is funny in the sense that it plays on a lot of the stereotypes that people have of terminal markets. It also is very unfair. When […]

Unrest In Egypt Has Its Origins In Produce

By far the most consequential event in the world this week is the unrest in Egypt. It, of course, is a follow-up to the unrest in Tunisia, which led to that nation’s longtime ruler to flee. There is every possibility that other Arab countries will also see unrest. This may, of course, all end up […]

Fraud At Farmer’s Markets

We’ve written many pieces discussing the merits of locally grown produce, but we have written just a tiny bit about the problem of fraud in local farmer’s markets. The NBC affiliate in Los Angeles, however, has been doing a series about the enormous amount of fraud that goes on in farmer’s markets. In a piece […]

Medicinal Claims For Specific Produce Items Are Often Staked On Weak Research

Here at the Pundit, it is fair to say that we are inundated by promoters who submit studies purporting to prove that various fruits and vegetables have specific medicinal benefits. We rarely write about these studies because most are too limited to prove much of anything. The number of participants is too small… there is […]

Never Tell Me The Odds:
One Man, One Disease, One Battle

Typically the Pundit is written in the third person. This is because the words are written on behalf of the organization. This is why the editorials of major newspapers are also written in the third person. Today, though, the topic is strictly personal and so I write in my own voice. Over the years, I […]

To Life! Raise A Glass For Life Itself

Our pieces on the health-related travails of an important industry member, Jan Fleming, CEO of Strube Celery and Vegetable Company and daughter of Bob Strube, Sr., affected friends, acquaintances and strangers: I do not know Jan or the Strube family, but I sent her an email to pass along my prayers and well wishes. To […]

From New York To New England, Always Something Good To Do

The New York Produce Show and Conference attracted many association executives, including one from neighboring New England, who sent a sweet note: GREAT SHOW!! We had a great time and the show was a success! I particularly enjoyed the breakfast session with Theresa Nolan and the Retail “Thought Leaders” Panel. Kudos!! — Laura Sullivan Executive […]

What To Expect From The New Food Safety Modernization Act

It has been a wild ride, but the Food Safety Modernization Act has passed both House and Senate and will soon be signed by the President. United Fresh gave the industry position: By a vote of 215 to 144 Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Food Safety Modernization Act, enacting large-scale changes to […]