Spinach Crisis Summary Rewind XLVIII
With so much having been written in so short a time, thought it would be helpful to publish a sort of round-up of available material
With so much having been written in so short a time, thought it would be helpful to publish a sort of round-up of available material
As the spinach/E. coli crisis grew, with astonishing alacrity the Western Growers Association came to the conclusion that only mandatory regulation would both solve the
Monday’s Wall Street Journal editorial page spoke out in favor of irradiation: Says Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research at the
A pointed letter responding to Jeff Hitchcock’s letter regarding organic production and the possibility that the land on which the tainted spinach was grown was,
There is an ad-hoc group that started it all, the National Restaurant Association has its group working on a program and the Food Marketing Institute
We’ve been asked to make available in one place our coverage of the recall by Wm. Bolthouse Farms of certain 100% carrot juice products and
With so much having been written in so short a time, thought it would be helpful to publish a sort of round-up of available material
What do we really know about E. coli and the growing end of the business? With everyone currently focused on green onions, it is worth
A lot of coverage in the first two parts of this report was on the subject of product testing, so we asked Pundit Investigator and
“Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety.” — William Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part 1