Pundit-TV Debuts At New York Produce Show And Conference

The New York Produce Show and Conference is now underway! The industry has gathered from far and near to Celebrate Fresh! For those within easy transport range, there is still the opportunity to visit the trade show, conference and cooking demos today, Tuesday, November 8, 2011, and to go on tours or attend the Ideation […]

Restaurants Take A Stand On Poor Child Behavior

There is a movement afoot to ban children from certain places. This piece, titled Restaurant Bans Kids, followed up on The No Kids Allowed Movement Is Spreading, and both presented real issues for the restaurant industry: At a Pennsylvania restaurant, it’s no shirt, no shoes, no kids, no dice. At McDain’s Restaurant, in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, […]

PMA Restructures Dues:
New Plan Brings In More Revenue,
Boosts Costs For Larger Firms,
Breaks Longstanding Link Between Retail And Grower/Shipper Dues…
Does PMA Need More Money?

The Produce Marketing Association (PMA), the industry’s largest trade association, has announced a new dues structure effective for 2015. Right now it covers US and Canadian members with the expectation being that a new foreign dues structure will be unveiled to be effective in 2016. Currently there is a relatively small spread between the dues […]