As A Consequence Of Companies Working Around PMA’s New Dues Structure, Maybe PMA Will See A Boom In Foreign Membership
PMA’s membership renewal forms are in the mail. We had written a piece about PMA’s new dues structure titled, PMA Restructures Dues: New Plan Brings In More Revenue, Boosts Costs For Larger Firms, Breaks Longstanding Link Between Retail And Grower/Shipper Dues…Does PMA Need More Money? We received a number of responses, mostly grumbling – who […]
World Union Of Wholesale Markets And The Food And Agriculture Organization Unite To Identify Best Practices For Markets And Food Distribution
Maria Cavit, Secretary General, World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUMM), based at The Hague in the Netherlands, recently sent along a note: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) have agreed to collaborate to identify and disseminate interesting good practices and lessons learnt in […]
Rotterdam Food Hall Spectacular
There is quite an extraordinary new food hall that is open in Rotterdam. We would say it is a must see for anyone in the produce and the broader food business: Imagae credits: Ossip van Duivenbode Imagae credits: Dijkstra Imagae credits: Ossip van Duivenbode Imagae credits: Daria Scagliola and Stinjn Brakkee Imagae credits: Daria Scagliola and Stijn Brakkee Imagae […]
Lessons From Scottish Referendum:
The People Must Rule
But How Do We Know What They Really Want?
The end result of the referendum on Scottish independence was reassuring to the trade as it had no desire to deal with another tax system, etc. Although, theoretically, had Scotland voted for independence and joined the EU, there would still be a single market – whether in fact Scotland could join the EU was not […]
Dealing With Generational Expectations — Balancing Social Media In The Workplace And Long Term Employment Goals
Karen Caplan, President and CEO of Frieda’s Inc. in Los Alamitos, California, maintains a blog, which we wrote about here when she first launched. Recently she wrote about employees, especially younger employees, and their use of social media, texting, the use of mobile phones, etc. She called the piece, Why Texting in the Workplace is […]
Pundit Mailbag — Food Eaten At Home
Vs. Food Away From Home:
Is This A Sign Of Retail Competition Or Industry Improvement?
It was a long time ago that we headed out to Australia to keynote the old United Fresh conference; we talked about the experience in a column in Pundit sister publication, PRODUCE BUSINESS, that we titled An American Abroad. As the fortunes of United and PMA changed in the US, so did the nature of […]
Jim Prevor Interview
Opening Reception
Stew Leonard's, Baldor, and Eataly
Reference To 18th Century Irony In “Modest Proposal”?
What with all the attention being paid to the United/PMA dust-up… when we all finish saving the produce industry, we will have to turn our attention to saving western civilization. As part of the PMA/United business, we wrote a piece titled A Modest Proposal For Reviving The Merger of PMA And United. This piece illustrated […]