Professor Miguel Gómez Returns To The New York Produce Show And Conference To Unveil A New Study That Points Out A Path For Getting More Produce Into Hospitals
We’ve written many times before to highlight Cornell’s Professor Miguel Gómez and his many contributions to increasing the body of knowledge relevant to the industry and to highlight his contributions to The New York Produce Show and Conference. We’ve profiled his presentations in pieces including: Cornell Professor Miguel Gómez To Speak At New York Produce […]
Wegmans Asserts Organic Produce Tastes Better Than Conventional….
Doesn’t This Imply Disparagement Of Most Of The Produce Wegmans Sells?
Wegmans is a most exceptional company. On virtually every subject they wind up being ahead of the game. We arrange tours of American retailers for many foreign friends and associates, Wegmans is always number one on the list of retailers these visitors wish to see. This company is right far more often than it is […]
As PMA Promotes Eat Brighter,
Questions Arise About Brand Efficacy
And Measurements Of Success Or Failure
We’ve written about Chef Sam Kass and the Eat Brighter program in pieces such as these: White House Chef Tells Industry To Try Harder; But He Needs To Check His Facts IMAGINE-NATION: Will The First Lady’s Sesame Street Campaign Reduce Produce Consumption? When Elmo Is Crying – Will The Sesame Street Brand Be Used To Market Sub-standard […]
Cornell’s Brad Rickard Returns To The New York Produce Show And Conference:
Will 'GMO Free' Be The New Organic?
For the most part, the war over GMOs is at a resting place. The anti-GMO forces have won the culture wars with a kind of aesthetic distaste for the technology, blocking its success in consumer-visible forms. That is why there is no Flavr Savr tomato anymore. However, the science has won the practical war with […]
A Walk Through Whole Foods And Why Its ‘Responsibly Grown’ Campaign Is Bad For Farmers
Whole Foods’ stock price is down over 30% this year, mostly because same-store sales haven’t met analysts’ estimates, and the chain has informed Wall Street that it expects lower full year sales and profits. The response has been the announcement of Whole Foods’ first-ever national media campaign – a $20 million investment that includes TV, […]
After Another Successful Fresh Summit, PMA’s Governance And Dues Structure May Be Worth A Closer Examination
PMA’s annual convention and exposition is always extraordinary, and the recent edition in Anaheim is no exception. Although Fruit Logistica in Berlin is larger in both exhibit space and attendee count, it is also disjointed, playing out over many buildings. PMA is large but compact. It is also warmer — and not just because Berlin […]
St. Joseph’s Professor Tells Us What We Can Learn About Marketing And Promotion From Non-Produce Categories
Sean Coary Assistant Professor of Food Marketing Saint Joseph’s University Q: It is exciting to learn that Saint Joseph’s University will be part of The New York Produce Show and Conference this year. Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background in the industry? A: I have worked extensively with major online […]
Tomato Farmers Rejected
'Takings' Claim Denied
Hope For Compensation Dashed
When the Salmonella St. Paul crisis struck, we were among the earliest and most outspoken on saying that the FDA and CDC messed up. Some of the tomato growers that took huge losses as a result of the government’s actions sued to recover damages, promulgating the idea that the government’s actions constitute a “Taking” of […]
Whole Foods’ ‘Responsibly Grown’ Program Turns Out To Be Pretty Irresponsible
Implies Other Farmers Are Not ‘Responsible Growers’
Whole Foods has come out with a new marketing program called “Responsibly Grown” — the only problem is that it is a really irresponsible thing to do. The program consists of an Unrated, Good, Better, Best system — with the implication that produce deserving a non-existent “bad” rating must be the stuff sold at other […]
Gary Fleming Returns To Traceability Arena With An Automated Angle
Bruce Peterson was really the father of the produce industry’s traceability initiative. It was his insight while at Wal-Mart that many products had recalls, but they didn’t destroy whole industries because the recall could be constrained to specific lot numbers. Bruce theorized that if the produce trade could accurately trace any problems to specific lots, […]