From Six Continents, the Industry Gathers
To Build The Future
In Bakersfield, California, USA

With the notion that we all will benefit from a better industry, from increased consumption, diversity in marketing and understanding of new varieties and industry trends, this year’s faculty has stood up to help, and the industry owes them a special vote of thanks. Though we still have a few surprises to unveil on site, it is our great pleasure to unveil the Faculty for The Global Grape Summit 2022.

Rewe’s Stephan Weist Brings
Broader Perspective On Grape Marketing

In thinking about how best to make him part of the event, we asked Stephan Weist of Rewe in Germany if he, as senior produce executive at one of the most important chains in the world, could not so much focus on the details of grapes –after all, we have hundreds of people attending and dozens of speakers focused exactly on that. Instead, we asked if he could provide a broader perspective within which the grape industry operates and must find a way to thrive.