Harvard Study On Produce & Mortality:
Five Servings A Day Is Key,
But We Need To Quantify The Benefits
We’ve been honored to speak and moderate many panels over the years at the Culinary Institute of America. We’ve always felt that influencing and educating chefs and future chefs is important to encourage produce usage in restaurants and institutions. This is why we have invested to create a special program to bring culinary students to […]
Perishable Pundit Podcast
New Episode: PMA/United Merger — What is Gained/What is Lost?

How best to move ahead? It is the question for each of us as individuals, as executives for our companies and, as leaders, for the industry as a whole. What technology, what institutions, what ways of thinking can help us best address the future. Podcasts have become a hot form of communication, so we’ve been using […]
Pundit Interviews Branding Expert Lisa Cork:
Three Macro Trends To Feel Positive About
I’m tempted to say we saved the best for last… as this concludes the presentation of our speakers from The New York Produce Show and Conference — Virtual Edition. Yet this is not quite true, as each one of our speakers provided a truly unique perspective on the pandemic, the industry and the future. We, of […]
Cornell’s Ed McLaughlin Gazes Into
Crystal Ball,
Sees Smaller Format Stores With Secondary Warehousing, JIT Delivery, Changes In Retail-Buyer Relationships, Just To Name A Few…
One of the advantages of having done a virtual edition of The New York Produce Show and Conference was that we came out of it with an all-star collection of incredible industry insight. Today, we share with the broader Pundit audience a conversation with Ed McLaughlin of Cornell University. Ed is widely recognized as the world’s leading academic […]
Jefferson vs Hamilton:
The Yeoman Farmer vs The Entrepreneurial Society
Our Hearts vs Our Heads
Playing Out Amidst The Blueberry Patch
If the issue is what is best for consumers, there is little question that allowing the freest possible trade in commodities and allowing for the widest variety of product over the most extensive time frame and at the lowest possible cost will result in the greatest benefits for consumers. If the issue is what will benefit business in […]
Newly Formed Blueberry Coalition Opposes Limitations On Imports:
California Giant’s Joe Barsi And Family Tree’s Dave Jackson Make Their Case
Speaking out on behalf of those who oppose limitations on imports of blueberries we have two of the giants of the industry. We asked Pundit Investigator and Special Projects Editor, Mira Slott, to help us understand their perspective: Joe Barsi President California Giant Berry Farms Watsonville, California Dave Jackson Co-Owner […]
Tale of Two Perspectives:
Is the Goal to Increase Blueberry Consumption
Or to Preserve Domestic Blueberry Producers?
Blueberries have been one of the star products of the produce industry the past few years. A “super food” noted for health, sales have blossomed. Both foreign and domestic producers have worked to capture this growing market. Low prices, however, have threatened the viability of many domestic suppliers — especially during so-called “shoulder” seasons when […]
Imported Berries Ruled To
Cause No Harm To Domestic Growers
Here is an update on the Blueberry issue discussed below: INCREASED IMPORTS OF FRESH, CHILLED, OR FROZEN BLUEBERRIES DO NOT SERIOUSLY INJURE U.S. INDUSTRY, USITC DETERMINES The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that fresh, chilled, or frozen blueberries are not being imported into the United States in such increased quantities as to be […]
American Blueberry Growers Alliance
Argues Import Restrictions are Essential
To Preserve Shoulder Season of US
Blueberry Industry
Advocating on behalf of those who want to see the US government take steps to raise the price of blueberries during the shoulder seasons in order to maintain the viability of US farmers is a Georgia farmer spearheading this effort. We asked Pundit Investigator and Special Projects Editor Mira Slott to find out more: Jerome […]
Tale of Two Perspectives:
Is the Goal to Increase Blueberry Consumption
Or to Preserve Domestic Blueberry Producers?
[Check the Pundit website for current updates on this important decision.] Blueberries have been one of the star products of the produce industry the past few years. A “super food” noted for health, sales have blossomed. Both foreign and domestic producers have worked to capture this growing market. Low prices, however, have threatened the […]