After 16 Years Of Compliance, Florida-Mexican Tomato ‘Suspension’ Agreement Gets Challenged By Florida Growers Claiming Dumping Is Occurring: Is This Just Rent-Seeking?

The issue of “dumping” in fresh produce has been brought to the fore by the decision of Florida’s tomato growers to request that the U.S. Department of Commerce tear up the “suspension” agreement that established minimum reference prices for Mexican tomatoes sold in the United States. When the request was made back in June, Reuters […]

Pundit’s Mailbag — Good Ol’ Fashioned Produce Candor Needed 

Our work on the United/PMA merger issue has brought many letters, including this one: Brilliant insight, as always. I’m still scratching my head at what took place on my watch. I wish good ol’ fashioned produce candor had been the driving force of the negotiations, only because I never learned differently. Maybe this Amish guy […]

Pundit’s Mailbag  — Time To Join Hands And Unite In Prayer For Success

We have written a great deal on the PMA/United merger issue and find the responses coming in are increasingly spiritual: Jim, I enjoy your comments. They speak wisdom, sound reasons, and years of many battles. The joining of two great organizations is just a reminder of what is happening in all of agricultural endeavors and […]

Pundit’s Mailbag — ONE Global Produce Industry Needs ONE Voice

We’ve run lots of letters related to the United/PMA merger saga, including our Pundit of July 21st and our Pundit of July 30th, and they have generally come from leaders in the industry. Sometimes it is good to read a comment from an informed observer without any skin in the game: I have been following this […]

Pundit’s Mailbag — Get It Done

Our Pundit edition of July 30th included letters from 13 industry members including one from Rick Antle, CEO and President at Tanimura & Antle. Our continued focus on this issue led to this letter from a friend of Rick’s: Keep pushing on this.  the problem is we don’t have a lot of BOLD leaders like we use to, […]

THIRTEEN VOICES: Industry Leaders Weigh In On United/PMA Merger

The issue of one national trade association for the produce industry and thus possible merger between PMA and United has long haunted the produce trade. The recent effort was the most extensive and professional ever undertaken and came closer than ever before to a unified association.  So those who think having one association is important […]

Neither United Nor PMA Represent Production Agriculture

A line in our piece United/PMA Impasse More Than Just A Decision About A CEO — It Is A Battle For The Soul Of The New Association caught the eye of a frequent Pundit contributor: ‘United is perceived as the organization with the core responsibility for lobbying on behalf of the production agriculture base of the […]