Get Married And Go To Denny’s
Rumor has it that Gene Harris, Senior Purchasing Manager at Denny’s, is offering a free Grand Slam Breakfast to any produce industry members who are looking to get married as described here: Honeymoons over My Hammy! Weddings at Denny’s
Brilliant Assistant: Fran Gruskin Retires
We like to think we control our lives and, to some extent, we surely do, but life is serendipitous at times and sometimes in the most important ways. We had been reflecting on such thoughts when LinkedIn published an article by Richard Branson, founder at the Virgin Group. The article is part of a series […]
From Prophet To Pariah, J.C. Penney’s Ron Johnson Falls Hard;
“Brilliant Or Bankrupt” Strategy Reminiscent Of Tesco’s Sir Terry Leahy In Launching Fresh & Easy
Oh how the mighty have fallen: J.C. Penney Co. dumped Ron Johnson, the chief executive it poached from Apple Inc. with great fanfare 17 months ago, replacing him midway through a major overhaul of its stores that has produced a disastrous drop in sales. Penney’s board met Monday and agreed to part ways with Mr. Johnson. Sorting out […]
Balancing Priorities: Why Is Food Still Making Us Sick In The 21st Century
The Association of Health Care Journalists recently held a conference and the agenda was extensive. Of particular interest to the food industry was a seminar held on March 16, 2013: Why is food still making us sick in the 21st century? • Will Daniels, senior vice president, operations and organic integrity, Earthbound Farm • Bill D. Marler, […]
Can Online Mean Fresh To Consumers? AmazonFresh And Fresh Direct Show How Online Services Can Build Credibility With Consumers
A hat tip to Karen Caplan, CEO and President of Frieda’s Inc., who sent along a piece from the Hartman Group that made a point about AmazonFresh. Karen wrote: I think it would be excellent if you did a commentary on your thoughts about the future of AmazonFresh, especially in light of Hartman’s comments comparing it […]
Conclusion: Give Generously
But Verify Effectiveness
The enthusiasm bubbles over, and one of the reasons is that the industry clearly sees business when a salad bar is put in a school. Items that schools never ordered before are suddenly being delivered and fresh consumption probably increases in the school because such a wider assortment of fresh product typically becomes available. Besides, […]
Now Is The Moment To Step Up: Industry Races To Place 350 Salad Bars In California Schools
The industry is leading up to a grand crescendo at the United Fresh Produce Association Convention this May in San Diego. After giving out salad bars to 43 local schools at the New Orleans convention in 2011 and after Dan’l Mackey Almy, President at DMA Solutions, and Dr. Lorelei DiSogra, Vice President, Nutrition and Health […]
On-The-Ground Report On Salad Bars From Taylor Farms’ Margaret D’Arrigo-Martin
Margaret D’Arrigo-Martin Vice President of Community Development Taylor Farms Salinas, California Q: Tell us how the Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools works on the ground. What’s involved to build the program locally? How did your recent press event at the Gonzalez Middle School in Monterey turn out? A: It was the first one […]
Dick Spezzano Takes Up The Gauntlet For California Schools And Building Model For National Salad Bar Program
Dick Spezzano President Spezzano Consulting Service Monrovia, California Q: What drives your commitment as co-chair of the California campaign to get more salad bars in schools? A: There’s a significant obesity problem in the U.S. We all see it. When we look at the numbers, one out of every three kids is overweight and one […]
Grimmway's Lisa McNeece Sees Salad Bars As Part Of Bigger Picture For Industry
Lisa McNeece Vice President of Foodservice and Industrial Sales Grimmway Farms Bakersfield, California Q: What inspired you to take a co-chair position on this aggressive campaign in California to garner funding for 350 school salad bars in such a short timeframe? A: I actually sit on the main board of United Fresh. Lorelei DiSogra and […]