PMA/United Merger Talks Boil Down To Roll Silbermann and Stenzel Will Play In The Future
Our recent piece PMA And United: To Merge Or Not To Merge? That Is The Question, dealt with many of the issues surrounding the idea of merging our two national produce trade associations. This followed on top of many pieces we have written assessing the issue. You can see many of those pieces here. As […]
2012 NYPS Night / Day Video
Joe Cottingham Director, Watts Farms headquartered in Kent, UK Q: In anticipation of attendees getting to visit Watts Farms, could you share background about the company and a preview of the tour? A: We’re a farming business split into a number of companies. Our Farningham operation, where we are meeting to do this interview, […]
Retailing in Australia
Global Trade Symposium
Hunts Point Tour
NY Produce Overview
Micro Session Highlights
In their Own Words
Despite Supporting Evidence, Disney Sets Nutrition Guidelines And ‘Limits’ Advertising To Only Meet Its Standard
Assessing PMA’s Dues Restructuring Disney made an announcement regarding its acceptance of advertising on programs geared for young children: Under Disney’s new standards, all food and beverage products advertised, sponsored, or promoted on Disney Channel, Disney XD, Disney Junior, Radio Disney, and Disney-owned online destinations oriented to families with younger children will be required by 2015 […]