The Wall Street Journal Highlights The GMO Dilemma
Will the 'Innate' Potato Change Minds When The Case Is So Clear?
Don’t Bet The Farm On It!
The opposition to GMOs has always been rather surrealistic. One can, of course, imagine that any scientific tool could have adverse consequences. But the “law” of unexpected consequences is not the “law” of bad consequences – and there is no particular reason to think that, on balance and in the long run, GMOs will be […]
Preparation Meets Opportunity:
A Finely Honed Mariano’s Format
Is Ready For A National Rollout When Teamed With Kroger Capital But, Maybe, They Will Take An Incremental Path
If you want to understand what bad shape A & P was in, consider this fact: Kroger passed on the opportunity to buy the chain. Even A&P’s Number One marketshare rating in the biggest market in the country, a market in which Kroger has no presence, could not outweigh the functional obsolesce of many of the stores, […]
Gaining Focus In Business:
Can McDonald's Work Its Way To Clarity
Or Is The Problem, Possibly, That Mozzarella Sticks Aren't On Its Menu?
McDonald’s is a bit lost. It is fighting back against many trends in society — healthy eating, upscale concepts, etc. — with a random barrage of things. First it rolled out breakfast items all day, although many franchisees have doubts because breakfast is less expensive than lunch or dinner food. Now, when it confronts Five Guys, […]
Men At Some Time Are Masters Of Their Fates; The Fault, Dear Brutus, Is Not In Our Stars, But In Ourselves
Credit Decisions, Honorable Men And Quaker City Produce
When the Pundit’s family sold its produce company to a large publicly traded British-based company, an immediate impact was that the industry tightened up on our credit. This was not because of a change in financial situation; it was because, even though there was a corporate entity, people felt they had been trading with a […]
What’s in A Word?
Sell By, Use By, Best By And Fresh By..
Can A Word Alter Food Waste Significantly?
Cornell’s Brad Rickard Speaks Out
Brad Rickard has been a long time contributor to both The New York Produce show and Conference and The London Produce Show and Conference, presenting educational sessions we have highlighted in pieces such as these: Cornell’s Brad Rickard Returns To The New York Produce Show And Conference: Will ‘GMO Free’ Be The New Organic? What’s […]
In Great Turmoil Is Hidden Great Opportunity
Is Now The Time To Invest In Puerto Rico’s Agricultural Sector?
Gualberto Rodriguez Of Caribbean Produce Exchange Tells Us Why He’s ‘All In’ At The Global Trade Symposium
Some things in life are serendipitous. So it is that The Pundit has had a connection with Puerto Rico since birth. When the Pundit Poppa, aka Mike Prevor, and his identical twin brother, the Pundit uncle Sydney, went into the family business, it wasn’t very large, so as to avoid eating into anyone’s income, they […]
The Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market:
Young Faces Building A Modern Market
A Tour At The New York Produce Show
A highlight of The New York Produce Show and Conference is always a visit to the Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market. The show has grown up with the new Philly market… the first year we actually did a sneak preview of the new facility before it was open. Here are some of the pieces that highlighted […]
Fresh & Easy: R.I.P.
We published more than 1,000 pages about Tesco’s ill-starred venture to come to America as Fresh & Easy. We did hundreds of TV spots, radio spots and newspaper, magazine and internet interviews about the effort and why we saw it as destined to fail without a drastic change of direction. We did investor conference calls […]
Regional Tours
At The New York Produce Show And Conference — Hunts Point Stands Out!
It would be a shame, and probably a sin, to come to New York and never go out of a hotel ballroom or a convention center, so, at The New York Produce Show and Conference, we are proud to provide a panoply of regional tours — retail, wholesale, foodservice, urban agriculture and more. Hunts Point […]
Tale Of Two Supermarkets –
Whole Foods and Fairway –
Illustrates Shifting Sands Of Competition
Story One: The gist of this story is that organic and natural foods are available all over now, and consumers don’t need to go to Whole Foods to get these products. In fact, they can get them elsewhere more conveniently and less expensively. The New York Timeshighlights the problems of Whole Foods in an article […]