Third-Generation Wholesaler Tells Why NYPS Bus Tour To Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market Is A ‘Must-Do’.
It might not seem that a 686,000-square-foot facility located in the fifth largest city in the U.S. is a ‘hidden’ gem. However, this is an apt adjective to describe the Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market (PWPM), according to John Vena, third generation family owner and operator of John Vena, Inc., one of 22 merchants on the […]
At New York Produce Show Micro-Session, Rutgers Professor Paul Takhistov Makes A Case for Intelligent Packaging
With the Romaine Crisis just now receding, issues of the role packaging could play in enhancing produce safety is top of mind. Although in a piece we wrote for the Wall Street Journal, we put in perspective how safe produce is, even infinitesimal odds still mean that people get sick. It is also likely that […]
Non-Profit Brighter Bites Takes Scientific Approach To Increase Produce Consumption And Create Long Term Consumers
The issue of “food deserts” has a bit of chicken-and-the-egg dynamic to it. Certain neighborhoods do not offer great selection when it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables. This puts up a barrier to consumption as what is available is limited in variety, often not the best in quality and tends to be expensive. Of course, […]
The Perishable Pundit, The Wall Street Journal, Romaine Lettuce And The Nature Of Risk
The Pundit had an opportunity to put the Romaine Crisis in perspective and to challenge a flawed understanding of risk by penning an essay for the Wall Street Journal. Many saw it in the physical newspaper, and it is available for those who have subscriptions on the Wall Street Journal website right here Through special […]
New York Produce Show Veteran Speaker And Cornell Professor, Miguel Gómez, To Give Insights And Analysis On International Trade At Global Trade Symposium
Miguel Gómez has been wowing the produce industry since the very launch of The New York Produce Show and Conference. He has been on stage with us in New York, London and Amsterdam, with topics we chronicled in pieces such as these: Cornell Professor Miguel Gómez Reveals How Omni-Channel Retailing Creates Challenges And Opportunities For […]
Rock Star Panel At Global Trade Symposium
ProColombia’s Juan Camilo Barrera
Highlights A Growing Future
As Opportunities Boom in Colombia
One of the highlights of each year’s Global Trade Symposium is the panel focusing on the opportunities and challenges of trade with Latin America. Organized by Gustavo Yentzen, who is the General Manager of and its Spanish Language sister, and who manages our Latin American operations out of Santiago, Chile, the panel this year […]
An Intertwined Tale:
Seald Sweet CEO Mayda Sotomayor-Kirk
Tells Her Story And What She Has Seen… And Expects To See In The World Of Global Trade
When Mayda Sotomayor-Kirk was appointed CEO of SealdSweet, we introduced her in this way: She started in the produce industry as a receptionist, working her way through college. Then she fell in love… with an industry. And now Mayda Sotomayor has become the CEO of one of the most venerable names in the business That […]
Wonky Fruit, Regionality, Omni-Channel, Sustainable Packaging… All Come To The Fore In Presentation At Global Trade Symposium By Stephan Weist Of REWE Group And Patricia Brunn Of Penny Market
There is no question that innovations such as “Wonky Fruit” are excellent for getting publicity; whether anyone actually makes money on these programs is subject to debate. The problem is a disconnect between consumer expectations and the realities of the produce business. The actual produce in the field is a very small part of the […]
The Perishable Pundit, The Wall Street Journal, Romaine Lettuce And The Nature Of Risk
The Pundit had an opportunity to put the Romaine Crisis in perspective and to challenge a flawed understanding of risk by penning an essay for the Wall Street Journal. Many saw it in the physical newspaper, and it is available for those who have subscriptions on the Wall Street Journal website right here Through special […]
Helping Us SOAR
Announcing the 2018 Perishable Pundit Thought-Leader Panel At The New York Produce Show And Conference
Each year, it is our privilege to unveil a unique group of industry leaders. Some are from the local market, some from across the country and some from around the world. It is truly a gathering of thought- and practice-leaders who are committing of their time to share ideas with the broader industry in the […]