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Global Trade Symposium At New York Produce Show Gathers Thought- and Practice-Leaders From Near And Far

One of the important functions of The New York Produce Show and Conference is to bring to the region important and interesting people from around the world – produce industry professionals who might not normally come to this area or people who will talk about mind-opening global subjects.

This is partly done through the Global Trade Symposium, America’s only dedicated international trade program for the produce industry. You can peruse the past programs or look at some of the videos from last year, and you will see that this intimate gathering has provided a level of programming simply unparalleled.

This year is no exception.

We are pleased to unveil the Global Trade Symposium Program for 2017:

Produce Import & Export:
The Disruption of Established Markets

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
New York Hilton, New York
Grand Ballroom West (Third Floor)

7:00 a.m. – 8:00 pm    Registration

8:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.  Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.   General Session / Welcome Remarks
                          Jim Prevor, President and CEO
                          Produce Business &

9:15 a.m. – 10 a.m.   GRAPE SUCCESS: How to Utilize                            Proliferation of Proprietary Varieties

The proliferation of proprietary grape varieties is changing the world, for better or worse. The presentation will explore how various segments of the trade — notably, producers and retailers — should act to utilize this trend to their advantage.


Johan van Niekerk
Director, Star South

10 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.  OUT OF  AFRICA: Opportunities for Fresh Products Reaching U.S. Markets are strong,especially inN Kenya

Current exports of fresh fruits and vegetables from Sub-Saharan Africa are mainly destined for EU markets. This has been influenced by existing relationships from historical association and began to grow during World War II.

With the enactment of African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) in 2000, the U.S. market became more interesting for beneficiary countries.

For fruits and vegetables, there was still a need to meet market requirements, and currently a range of vegetables are allowed to enter the U.S. from Kenya. Exporters are looking to expand their markets and with the ability to meet food safety and other global standards, feel confident to do so.


Carol Muumbi
Horticultural Crops Directorate



Ian Finlayson
Managing Director,
Practical Solutions Int’l



10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.  Break

11 a.m. – 11:45 p.m.  SUPPLY CHAIN REACTION: The rapid
                transformation of Asian fruit and vegetable value
                chains and potential for TRADES AND partnerships

Tom has done 15 years of detailed surveys of fruit and vegetable supply chains, and services upstream and midstream for the horticulture sector, in China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. He works that first-hand surveys information base into a talk laying out the surprising trends in transformation of the supply chains and services, and assesses their implication for trading and partnering.


Thomas Reardon
Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural, Food,
and Resource Economics at
Michigan State University




11:45 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. THE CHINESE OPPORTUNITY: Serving The Rising Middle Class Online And In Store With Imported Produce Serving The Middle Class


Loren Zhao

The founder of China’s No. 1 e-commerce site for ordering fruit deliveries will sit down with Jim Prevor to discuss the rapidly changing environment of getting imported fruits into the homes of the world’s fastest-growing middle class.

12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. – Working Luncheon: 
                         Opportunities And Challenges In Selling Fresh                           Produce In Europe

Panel Moderator:

Jim Prevor
Produce Business 





Bruno Edery
Beva Fruits France





Amy Lance
Head of Technical
HelloFresh UK





Johan van Niekerk
Star South



Hugo Vermeulen
Cool Fresh International



1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.Latin American Challenge:
                                   Assessing The future of the Region’s
                                   Agricultural Exports

Panel Moderator:

Gustavo Yentzen
Yentzen Consulting






Colin Fain
Founder & CEO of






Ines Masallach
Marketing Director






Markus Fellmann
Regional Head Perishables Americas,





John Pandol
Director of Special Projects
Pandol Brothers





2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.  FRESH BERRY BLITZ: How The
                                    North American Market Can
                                    Capitalize on Growth

Global demand for fresh berries is growing, stimulating trade and competition. This talk provides a topline view of the key berries, including trends in growth markets and sources of supply. For example, South Africa, Peru, Mexico and Morocco are becoming blueberry players. Changes in relative competitiveness and implications for players will be described, honing in on trends for firms operating in North America. 


Roberta Cook
Emerita faculty member at Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE)

University of California Davis





3 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.  WE’VE COME A LONG WAY: A Discussion of Global Citrus Changes — 1970 vs. 2015

We will look at where citrus grows, the changes in varietal production, the recent explosion of easy-peel citrus and the major changes in global trade. The presentation ends with a discussion on market access drivers impacting global trade.


Daniel Kass
VP of Sales & Business Development
AC Foods





3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. THE SPEED OF INNOVATION:How
                                    Quality & Technical Teams need to
                                    Embrace Change

Recently moving from Corporate Retail to the start-up world, Amy will discuss how the Quality & Technical function can often be lost in translation, but by being embedded in the core of the business and supported by senior leadership, it can enable market leading growth.


Amy Lance
Head of Technical
HelloFresh UK





4:40 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.   Wrap-up


From China, from Africa, from Europe, from both North and South America… serious, significant people with important ideas are gathering … Only in New York!

It would be a terrible mistake to think you only need be concerned with Global Trade if you are personally doing the trading. Every buyer in America is in competition with players around the world for the best produce. Every producer’s price — even if he never exports a box — is highly influenced by what is being imported and exported.

Please join us at the Hilton’s West Ballroom on Tuesday, December 12th for this extraordinary program. And when it concludes, join us for the Opening Cocktail Reception, which you will enjoy more with new friends from around the w world.

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