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Nolan Triumph Example Of ‘Standing Up For What’s Right In Face Of Overwhelming Might’

We did a SPECIAL ALERT over the weekend to let the industry know that a momentous, some would even say miraculous, event occurred. The title of the piece spoke clearly: Nolans Victorious In Lawsuit vs. Ocean Spray: This One’s For You, Jim. Following up on our extensive coverage of the matter, the piece brought forth many short notes. Here is a selection:

This one came from a man who by temperament, vocation and position might be called the ethical arbiter of the produce industry:

I especially appreciate your thoughtful article regarding Jimmy and Teresa Nolan.

For years, Jim talked with me about this confidentially at various conventions. He knew I taught (and still do) Business Ethics at Wheaton College.

Score one for the good guys.

— Jim Carr
Produce Reporter Company
Carol Stream, Illinois

Here was a reminder of how, in our youth, we can be so profoundly influenced by the character of people who take us under their wing:

A heartfelt ‘thank you’ to you, Jim, for putting/keeping this story out there; for having the guts and editorial integrity to do so.

I can hardly call this “wonderful” news, as it comes without Jim here to enjoy it…but it is gratifying to see the “good guys” win one, that “change” is possible if someone has the courage to stand up for what’s right in the face of overwhelming might on the other side to protect the status quo, to do so at the risk of losing one’s livelihood.

Jim and Theresa welcomed me to this industry 20+ years ago when they were associated with the old Lettuce Commission. Good people. Let integrity reign!

— Bart Minor
Mushroom Council
San Jose, California

And this young man wrote a few words because he wanted to tip his hat to an old friend and to us for raising the flag when others were afraid to do so:

Great piece on Jim Nolan.

— Chuck Zambito
Zambito Produce Sales
Woodbury, New Jersey

This brief note of appreciation came from the largest supplier of fresh cranberries to Ocean Spray from the state of Massachusetts. Mike Dubuc had tried to raise the seriousness of the situation with the Ocean Spray Board of Directors. He doesn’t say much, but working with the co-op, he didn’t have to say anything:

Thank you for your coverage of this case.

— Mike Dubuc
CFO and Vice President of Finance
Morse Brothers, Inc.
North Easton, Massachusetts

And, finally, a note from Theresa herself:

Your coverage of our ordeal has helped me begin to heal from all of this. When you took up our cause, I no longer felt alone in the battle against Ocean Spray. I cannot tell you how much it meant to Jim to have you on our side. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

— Theresa Nolan

No, Theresa, thank you. In a world where it is easy to bend, you and Jim stood square. In a world where “going along” is the typical way, you and Jim chose to speak clearly. In a world where short-term thinking and situational ethics seem to predominate, you and Jim offered us all a glimpse down a different path.

Whatever happens next in this case, may the wind be ever at your back and may you know that you have many friends and admirers in this industry. You need never walk alone.

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